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Protests – Actionable Intelligence

Protests – Actionable Intelligence

NetWatch Global were approached by a global FMCG who were aware of protests due to take place at their AGM in London, and were concerned at the unknown prospect and risk they might be facing.

Prior to the protest NetWatch analysts were able to conduct extensive social networking and online searches, and also made discrete enquiries in order to provide intelligence our client could act on. During the investigation NetWatch identified and profiled the organiser, obtained details as to the nature of the planned protest, and also determined that two protesters would be attending the AGM to ask a number of awkward questions. As such these individuals were also identified and profiled.

On the day of the event our bespoke monitoring software allowed us to follow the protest and track live movements, whilst anticipating any changes to the planned protest and destinations. Through partnership with The Surveillance Group we were also able to provide on the ground human intelligence throughout the event.

Having instructed NetWatch, our client was able to accurately assess the risk and have total peace of mind that they were appropriately prepared.

NetWatch regularly provides actionable intelligence on protests and similar, from small scale events involving a handful of people to much larger demonstrations both in the UK and overseas.

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